New Timeline Cards

MY version of the new timeline cards using ASL.  Again, these are MY interpretations for each of the cards.  They are by no means the "only" way to sign them, nor are they the "best" way.  If you have a better sign let me know.  I am always welcome to suggestions! ;)

Week 1     Week 2     Week 3     Week 4     Week 5     Week 6     Week 7          Week 8     Week 9     Week 10     Week 11     Week 12     Week 13     Week 14     Week 15     Week 16     Week 17     Week 18     Week 19     Week 20       Week 21          Week 22       Week 23      Week 24

If any of the above links do not work please let me know and I will see what I can do.  Oh, and just an FYI...the sound is AWFUL! but hopefully you can see what I am saying.